Curve functions
# Michaelis-Menten model
M.micmen <- function(x, offset, Vm, K){
f <- offset + Vm * x / (K + x)
# 4PL model
M.4pl <- function(x, small.x.asymp, inf.x.asymp, inflec, hill){
f <- small.x.asymp + ((inf.x.asymp - small.x.asymp)/
(1 + (x / inflec)^hill))
# 5PL model
M.5pl <- function(x, small.x.asymp, inf.x.asymp, c.5pl, hill, g.5pl){
f <- small.x.asymp + ((inf.x.asymp - small.x.asymp)/
(1 + (x / c.5pl)^hill)^g.5pl)
Inverse curve functions <- function(y, int, beta){
f <- (y - int)/ beta
names(f) <- "x.hat"
Inv.micmen <- function(y, offset, Vm, K){
f <- K * (y - offset) / (Vm - (y - offset))
names(f) <- "x.hat"
Inv.4pl <- function(y, small.x.asymp, inf.x.asymp, inflec, hill){
f <- inflec * ((inf.x.asymp - small.x.asymp) /
(y - small.x.asymp) - 1)^(1 / hill)
names(f) <- "x.hat"
Inv.5pl <- function(y, small.x.asymp, inf.x.asymp, c.5pl, hill, g.5pl){
f <- c.5pl * (((inf.x.asymp - small.x.asymp) /
(y - small.x.asymp))^(1/g.5pl) - 1)^(1 / hill)
names(f) <- "x.hat"
Diagnostic plots for non-linear regression models: plotDiag()
Plot data with fitted regression line and standardized residual plot
Class .nls
# a wrapper for fitted curve and residual plots
plotDiag.nls <- function(nlsLM.model,{
par(mfcol=c(1, 2), oma = c(0.5, 0.5, 2, 0))
# adapted from Brandon Greenwell's investr functions
data <- eval(nlsLM.model$data)
x.names <- intersect(all.vars(formula(nlsLM.model)[[3]]), colnames(data))
y.names <- all.vars(formula(nlsLM.model)[[2]])
x <- data[, x.names] # extract predictor columns <- min(x[x!=0])
# Display purposes, we cheat a little to get the zero calibrators included on the
# log(x) plot
x.fix <- ifelse(x <= 0,, x)
break.x <-
y <- data[, y.names] # extract response columns
# Plot data and fitted curve
plot(x.fix, y, log = "x", main = "data and fitted curve", pch = 20,
ylab = "Response", xlab = "log(Concentration)", font.main = 3)
curve(M.4pl(x, coef(nlsLM.model)[[1]], coef(nlsLM.model)[[2]],
coef(nlsLM.model)[[3]], coef(nlsLM.model)[[4]]), add = T)
# Technically, we should not include the zero-calibrators on a log plot, but it's nice
# to have for visualizing the results. This line inserts a break in the x-axis as in
# Dudley et al (1985)
axis.break(1, break.x, brw = 0.05)
# Plot standardised weighted residuals
# [add ifelse condition for weighted and unweighted models (title)]
std.w.resid <- summary(nlsLM.model)$resid/sd(summary(nlsLM.model)$resid)
plot(predict(nlsLM.model), std.w.resid, ylab = "std residuals (in SDs)",
xlab = "fitted response values", pch = 20,
main = "standardized residuals", font.main = 3)
# Horizontal lines at y=0 and +/- 2SD
abline(h = 0, lty = 3, col = "red")
abline(h = 2, lty = 3)
abline(h = -2, lty = 3)
title(main =, outer = TRUE)
par(mfcol=c(1, 1))
Class irls
# a wrapper for fitted curve and residual plots
plotDiag.irls <- function(irls.model,{
# <- "IRLS 4PL calibration model for O'Connell's ELISA: w2.4pl"
par(mfcol=c(1, 2), oma = c(0.5, 0.5, 2, 0))
# adapted from Brandon Greenwell's investr functions
data <- irls.model$
x.names <- intersect(all.vars(formula(irls.model$end.model)[[3]]), colnames(data))
y.names <- all.vars(formula(irls.model$end.model)[[2]])
x <- data[, x.names] # extract predictor columns <- min(x[x!=0])
# Display purposes, we cheat a little to get the zero calibrators included on the
# log(x) plot
x.fix <- ifelse(x <= 0,, x)
break.x <-
y <- data[, y.names] # extract response columns
# Plot data and fitted curve
plot(x.fix, y, log = "x", main = "data and fitted curve", pch = 20,
ylab = "Response", xlab = "log(Concentration)", font.main = 3)
curve(M.4pl(x, coef(irls.model$end.model)[[1]], coef(irls.model$end.model)[[2]],
coef(irls.model$end.model)[[3]], coef(irls.model$end.model)[[4]]),
add = T)
axis.break(1, break.x, brw = 0.05)
std.w.resid <- summary(irls.model$end.model)$resid/
plot(predict(irls.model$end.model), std.w.resid, ylab = "std residuals (in SDs)",
xlab = "fitted response values", pch = 20,
main = "standardized (weighted) residuals", font.main = 3)
abline(h = 0, lty = 3, col = "red")
abline(h = 2, lty = 3)
abline(h = -2, lty = 3)
title(main =, outer = TRUE)
par(mfcol=c(1, 1))
# We need to estimate both the parameters of the 4PL function as well as the weight
# function. This can be done by iteratively applying the nlsLM function described above
# till the residual sum of squares does not reduce significantly. Below is a function that
# implements this iterative model fitting process. This is the same approach used in the
# GraphPad software program.
# 4PL iteratively reweighted LS procedure:
# 1. args: df, y, x, theta, start values
# 2. unweighted model (nlsLM)
# 3. get important output (y.curve, wss) using summary3()
# 4. calculate weights (uses y.curve and theta)
# 5. weighted nlsLM
# 6. d.wss: calculate change in wss (wss1 - wss2) / wss1
# 7. if d.wss > 0.01 repeat from (3)
# Use dot '.' to specify class
IRLS.4pl <- function(df, y = "od", x = "conc", theta,
start = c(small.x.asymp = 0
, inf.x.asymp = 1
, inflec = 1000
, hill = -1)
# Keep the original data set with the output object <- df
# Function uses O'Connell's parameterization of theta
theta2 <- theta/2
# Insert variables into the 4pl formula
form.4pl <- paste(y, " ~ M.4pl(", x, ", small.x.asymp, inf.x.asymp, inflec, hill)")
# Unweighted model
nls0 <- nlsLM(as.formula(form.4pl), data = df, start = start)
# Get the predicted responses
y.curve <- predict(nls0)
# Weighted sum of squares
wss0 <- sum(summary(nls0)$resid^2)
# 1st iteration
nls1 <- nlsLM(as.formula(form.4pl), data = df, start = start,
weights = (1 / (y.curve^2)^theta2))
wss1 <- sum(summary(nls1)$resid^2)
# Percent change in the weighted sum of squares to control iterations (count)
d.wss <- abs(wss0 - wss1) / wss0
count <- 1
# Repeat fitting until WSS changes by less than 0.5%
while (d.wss > 0.005){
count <- count + 1
y.curve <- predict(nls1)
nls1 <- nlsLM(as.formula(form.4pl), data = df, start = start,
weights = (1 / (y.curve^2)^theta2))
d.wss <- abs(wss1 - sum(summary(nls1)$resid^2)) / wss1
wss1 <- sum(summary(nls1)$resid^2)
return(list( =, start.model = nls0, cycles = count, end.model = nls1))
# An irls results wrapper
summaryIRLS <- function(irls.model){
# irls.model <- w2.4pl
cat("\nThe unweighted model:\n")
cat("\nThe weighted sum of squares was stable after",
irls.model$cycles, "cycles\n\n")
cat("\nThe final model:\n")
plot(log(unique(irls.model$$conc)), unique(predict(irls.model$start.model)),
type = 'b', col = "grey",
ylab = "Fitted Response", xlab = "log(Concentration)",
main = "IRLS: unweighted and final weighted")
points(log(unique(irls.model$$conc)), unique(predict(irls.model$end.model)),
type = 'b',
pch = 19, col = "red")
legend(1, 0.9, legend = c("Unweighted", "Final weighted"), lty = 1,
col = c("grey", "red"))
Inverse prediction functions
# The following function returns a data frame of triplets: a range of
# response values (`yp`), corresponding predicted concentration (`xp`)
# and the standard deviation of the predicted concentration (`sd.xp`).
# Derive var(x) from calibration curve model
# Adapted from S-PLUS code at <>
# Values from vcov(model) = unscaled * sigma^2 but sumary(model)$cov.unscaled is what we
# need: O'Connell p.103 (left column, about 1/2 page): "denotes the estimated covariance
# matrix for [beta-hat], unscaled by [sigma-hat]..."
# conf is confidence level for prediction interval
sdXhat.4pl <- function(irls.model
# request theta from user since I do not know how to
# get theta back out of object
, theta
, m = 3 # check this
, vlen = 700){
# model.sum is a irls.4pl() object (from above)
model <- irls.model$end.model
# theta <- theta.ocon.lit
theta2 <- theta/2
# Get some information from the original data
data <- irls.model$
x.names <- intersect(all.vars(formula(model)[[3]]), colnames(data))
y.names <- all.vars(formula(model)[[2]])
x <- data[, x.names] # extract predictor columns
y <- data[, y.names] # extract response columns
# Gather the bits and pieces
# corresponding t value for requested confidence level
degree.freedom <- summary(model)$df[2]
cov.un <- summary(model)$cov.unscaled # unscaled covariance matrix
# O'Connell's parametrerisation for ascending curves is different
# They keep beta positive and switch a and d
b <- coef(model)
n <- length(x) # sample size, n
xpstart <- min(c(0.0005, min(x[x>0]))) # Setting the starting point for the grid
# x values for grid
xp <- c(seq(xpstart, b[[3]], length = round(vlen / 2, 0)),
seq(b[[3]], max(x), length = round(vlen / 2, 0)))
# y values for grid
yp <- as.vector(M.4pl(xp, b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4]))
# The derivatives
dh.dy <- xp * (b[1]-b[2])/(b[4]*(yp - b[1]) * (b[2] - yp))
dh.db1 <- xp/(b[4]*(yp - b[1]))
dh.db2 <- xp/(b[4]*(b[2] - yp))
dh.db3 <- xp/b[3]
dh.db4 <- (-xp/(b[4]*b[4])) * log((b[2]-yp)/(yp-b[1]))
# compute the estimated variance of the calibration estimate xp
# sigma2 is the mean variance. In weighted models it is scaled by weights
sigma2 <- summary(model)$sigma^2
# The following corresponds to equation at bottom of p.111 of O'Connell (1993)
# Note the Var(y) part:
# Var(y) = sigma2 * (yp^theta)
# Our parameterization (from weights) uses y.curve^theta, not ^2*theta
# If using an outside theta based on variance function as function of SD, not var,
# like in O'Connell, multiply by 2 first
var.xnot.hat <- (dh.dy*dh.dy) * sigma2 * (yp^2)^theta2 / m +
sigma2 * (dh.db1 * ( dh.db1 * cov.un[1,1]
+ dh.db2 * cov.un[2,1]
+ dh.db3 * cov.un[3,1]
+ dh.db4 * cov.un[4,1])
+ dh.db2 * ( dh.db1 * cov.un[1,2]
+ dh.db2 * cov.un[2,2]
+ dh.db3 * cov.un[3,2]
+ dh.db4 * cov.un[4,2])
+ dh.db3 * ( dh.db1 * cov.un[1,3]
+ dh.db2 * cov.un[2,3]
+ dh.db3 * cov.un[3,3]
+ dh.db4 * cov.un[4,3])
+ dh.db4 * ( dh.db1 * cov.un[1,4]
+ dh.db2 * cov.un[2,4]
+ dh.db3 * cov.un[3,4]
+ dh.db4 * cov.un[4,4]))
# Covert to standard deviation
sd.xp <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
# Gather yp and xp (grid) plus sd.xp into a data.frame
inv.grid <- data.frame(yp, xp, sd.xp)
# Drop any rowns containing NAs or infinite values
inv.grid <- inv.grid[is.finite(inv.grid$sd.xp), ]
# head(inv.grid, 10)
return(list(inv.grid = inv.grid, = degree.freedom,
model.sigma2 = sigma2))
# Accepts a sdXhat.4pl object (such as ocon.grid) and new response
# observation(s)
# Each new response is the average of any M replicates
# Default is single observation (M = 1)
predictConc.4pl <- function(sdXhat.object
, conf = 0.95
, M = 1
# <- 0.18
# sdXhat.object <- ocon.grid
# Need dplyr package for lead()
# Rename grid
d <- unique(sdXhat.object$inv.grid)
# ---- Interpolate new xp for ------
d$y.diff <- (d$yp -
# Get next y.diff
d$y.offset <- lead(d$y.diff)
# Get next xp
d$x.offset <- lead(d$xp)
# d[7:17, ]
# Intercept a for linear segments
# where line xp = a + (delta xp)/(delta y.diff) * y.diff
d$a <- d$xp - d$y.diff*(d$x.offset - d$xp)/(d$y.offset - d$y.diff)
# Segment closest on left to y.diff = 0
closest <- max(d$y.diff[d$y.diff <= 0])
# Corresponding x values
x.est <- d$a[d$y.diff == closest] <- d$sd.xp[d$y.diff == closest]
# Critical values for intervals
# corresponding t value for requested confidence level
tcrit <- qt ((conf + 1) / 2, sdXhat.object$
# prediction interval <- x.est - tcrit * * sqrt(1 + 1/M)
x.est.upl <- x.est + tcrit * * sqrt(1 + 1/M) <- c(, x.est.upl)
# confidence interval
x.est.lcl <- x.est - tcrit * * sqrt(1/M)
x.est.ucl <- x.est + tcrit * * sqrt(1/M) <- c(x.est.lcl, x.est.ucl)
return(list(estimate = x.est, =, =